Friday, April 23, 2010

Ok,I drove in Cairo! For any of you who have not been to Cairo or the Middle East, let me just describe the driving for you. The rules are there are no rules. Lane lines mean nothing. Honking is for awareness to let people know you are there or just because. Random donkeys, trucks piled over 10 feet high from the truck bed and people crossing eight lane highways are the norm! I couldn't figure what was piled up so high on a truck on the highway, so I was squinting at night to try and discover what was on the roof of the was two guys sitting on top with their feet on top of whatever was in the truck bed! They were going at least 50 mph on the highway and had some pillows set up for their bottoms. Travel in style!!!
Taisssir was doing a dance in the car pressing on his pretend brake and sliding left and right to avoid whatever he thought I was going to run into (but didn't!!). Parking is a challenge.

I drove to Carrefour (our Walmart and it also has our local mall). We had dinner at Chilli's...need a little US flavor every once in a while and then on to shopping. Taissir had to buy a netbook as his busted. Zayna spent some of her own money to buy some dolls and Ryanna had her first shopping spree at the mall with birthday money. What a grown up girl we have!! I bought some natural cream for Zayna and a cotton Egyptian robe for me.

We are headed to the store to get some cake mix for cupcakes (as I did bring cupcake pans). Ryanna's birthday will be small, but we are planning to venture to the Red Sea in the am and hang out at the beach while we are there. The weather is beautiful, so I can't wait for that. Ok, off to walk to our local market that is about the size of a Quik Mart, but STUFFED full of things on every inch of space up to the ceiling. Aisles are narrow, so you can't walk through with a large purse on your shoulder. I have gone back to college days and carry my school ID (CAC - the girl's school), some money and my phone on a little carrier with my keys. Alot easier than lugging around a purse or backpack.

We are all happy to be done with intestinal challenges....and there have been many!! I have never focussed on BMs so much for the whole family since the girls were babies!! Ewww! Hopefully enough of that for a while! All for now...more later! -Dawn

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